On Thursday, June 27th, two people died while IN-LINING, a tragic accident that is revealing the counter argument to the increasing trend of empathically connected technology. The next day there was a motion put forth by MP Josh Martinez, long time detractor of emp-tech, to regulate empathy technology. Mr Martinez has been warning the Canadian people of the dangers since day one. UME has not yet released a public comment.
Sharry and Davidson Xiu-Smith had their affinity ceremony on June 17, live streaming the lavish outdoor celebration with friends and family across the world. Less than two weeks later their bodies were discovered in the burnt remains of their two bedroom home in Parkdale, Toronto, a UME Neighborhood that requires empathic technology of all residents. According to friends, this was one of the key attractors for the young couple to move to the up and coming neighbourhood.
“They were deeply in love and really wanted the complete experience. Sharry had been EMP-STREAMING with full intimacy sharing for almost 18 months and we all really knew how much they cared for one another,” Says a friend who asked not to be named, “It is so sad what has happened.”
While UME has not publicly made a comment about the tragedy, and refused an interview for this article, they have made their position clear that the latest IN-LINING technology, a dramatic advancement of their now decades old EMP-CONNECT technology, is an absolutely safe experience for two people to connect with one another. A spokesperson highlighted the services UME provides for the integration of their users into the new empathic experience after an “Affinity Service”, and are suggesting an investigation into the Xiu-Smith tragedy is likely. Allison Shen-Candido, UME advocate, has established an EMP-STREAM for the tragedy.
“This is a tragedy, and EMP-CONNECTING will allow us to heal, grow closer and prevent a tragedy like this ever happening again.” Says Ms Shen-Candido, whose very public Affinity Ceremony with partner Jazon Shen-Candido, is considered the highest rated media event of the last decade.
While opponents of UME’s products have not made a public claim that the IN-LINE technology was responsible for the deaths, with Police Chief Xiulung Blair confirming a kitchen appliance as the cause of the fire, much is being implied by their concerns of social disconnection through technology.
“It is clear there is a need to regulate the current wild growth of technologies that are disconnecting individuals from the physical world,” says Mr Martinez, “People are disappearing into isolated world, not connecting with communities, it is all backwards.”
While careful not to refer to it directly, Mr Martinez later called on the concerns of data hidden by the Chinese-American government in regards to UME’s product usage. While rumours have suggested that accidents have occurred of IN-LINE users, nothing has been made public. The open sharing nature of EMP-STREAMING and the constant influx of positive insights from research is at stark contrast to the closed nature of public data, said to be for the benefit of the UME’s clients.
Despite this tragedy it Affinity Ceremonies continue to increase, and Envirodata released statistics suggesting that IN-LINING may have over 20% penetration of adult couples in the next 5 years, spread across new and established relationships, despite the high separation rate of long term couples not capable of transitioning to the new technology.
Please note this report is linked below with live data for tracking the emergence of this story, including the following information:
live feed for the Police Investigation for the Xiu-Smith tragedy
number of Affinity Ceremonies, revealing the rapid adoption of IN-LINE technologies
number of UME communities, established, under development and being proposed
MP John Martinez public campaign feed
EMP-STREAM for local UME advocate, Allison Shen-Candido, who announced a public EMP-CONNECT for those affected by the tragedy
Please note that the author of this article has not experienced IN-LINING and has EMP-CONNECT installed for just under 2 years. His EMP-STREAM is not public.