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Steve G

Definitely "high priestess' powers anointed me", all three times, in "Flames of Desire".

Thanks for putting these up!

Steve G

Small, nit-picky notes on "Viva Love":

The end of each chorus should have another "viva love".

"Just steel your nerves"

"They run for their lives"

I don't think there's a second "(Yes, you have)".

The extra lyrics at the end (repeated from earlier in the song)...are they from a non-album version of the song?

I hope you don't mind my picky editing.

Thanks again!

Steve G

Here's my take on "Ten Below Zero", one of my favorites.

Since the day you set me free
Your ghost still hauntin' me
I can't escape you
I swear you're always there

Was it the cocktail in your kiss
Your pretty little tyrannies
The sound of your laughter
The fragrance in your hair

Temperature's rising
It's hotter than June
It's not surprising
There's snowflakes
In my room
It's summer outside
Yet we're poles apart
It's ten below zero
(Ten below zero)
(Ten below zero)
Here in my heart

I guess I'll always feel the same
Still burnin' an eternal flame
Till Hell freezes over
And the ice melts in my veins

Temperature's rising
It's hotter than June
It's not surprising
There's snowflakes
In my room
It's summer outside
Yet we're poles apart
It's ten below zero
(Ten below zero)
(Ten below zero)
Here in my heart

Time was suspended
The moment was frozen
Two hearts surrendered
But someone had chosen
To come, to come

Am I a fool to reminisce
In sonnets and soliloquies
When all I've got's
And everlasting memories

Temperature's rising
It's hotter than June
It's not surprising
There's snowflakes
In my room
It's summer outside
Yet we're poles apart
It's ten below zero
Here in my heart

Steve G

And my stab at "Confessions of a Fool", a song I certainly enjoy but not one of the best on the album, in my opinion.

I'll admit
I'm a stranger to perfection
Wait a while
Now hear my confession

The relic of romance in
Every wasted second chance
Is heartache
Really your profession

Sitting here in a room like this
Just wasn't that high
On my wish list
All my pride
Crushed up in a paper cup
Ran out of chances
When I ran out of luck

Run to discover
Run to uncover
The confessions of a fool
(Fool, fool, fool, fool, fool)
Hey, jealous lover
Run to discover
The confessions of a fool
(Fool, fool, fool, fool, fool)

It only goes to show
What a fool one man can be
Make no mistake
That man is me

Kept my mouth shut
When I should have spoken up
Talked too much
When I should have stayed silent
Acted like a fool
Acting like a tyrant
Should have stayed serene
Instead of gettin' violent

Run to discover
Run to uncover
The confessions of a fool
(Fool, fool, fool, fool, fool)
Hey, jealous lover
Run to discover
The confessions of a fool
(Fool, fool, fool, fool, fool)

It only goes to show
What a fool a man can be
(Fool, fool, fool, fool, fool)
Make no mistake
That man is me

All my ego games
All my machinations
All those crazy ideas
Way above my station
All those stupid, simple (?)
Secret revelations
Pile 'em up
And let 'em burn

Run to discover
Run to uncover
The confessions of a fool
(Fool, fool, fool, fool, fool)
Hey, jealous lover
Run to discover
The confessions of a fool
(Fool, fool, fool, fool, fool)

It only goes to show
What a fool one man can be
(Fool, fool, fool, fool, fool)
Make no mistake
That man is me
(Fool, fool, fool, fool, fool)

Steve G

Suggested revisions to "Singer Not the Song". (Just the way I hear it. Take 'em or leave 'em.) :)

I think it's "IS all I ever do", but I wouldn't bet money on it.

"Singin' in the spotlight, dancin' in the moonlight" (each time)

"Your humble entertainer" (each time)

I think that in the first two parts of the chorus the word "yeah" takes place of the word "the" (rather than both words being sung), again each time.


Steve G

Suggested revisions to "Ship of the Seasick Sailor", the best song on the album.

"To a time where we once dared"

"Let's ride on the tide" (each time)

"He loved to taste revenge"

Then here's how I hear the ending of the song (adding in the repeated chorus, and placing the background vocals as best I can):

Maybe you could
Love me again
(All I can do)
Maybe you could
Love me again
(All I can do)
Then and only then
(Is bring you love)
Because it hurts
To be your friend

Bring me the ship
Of the seasick sailor
(All I can do
Is bring you love)
Bring me the keys
Of the sleeping jailor
(All I can do
Is bring you love)
Bring me the guns
Of the war-torn soldier
(All I can do
Is bring you love)
Bury the flag
Slung over his shoulder

Maybe you could
Love me again
(All I can do)
Maybe you could
Love me again
(All I can do)
Then and only then
(Is bring you love)
Because it hurts
To be your friend

Bring me the ship
Of the seasick sailor
Bring me the keys
Of the sleeping jailor
Bring me the guns
Of the...

As always, thanks for getting this project started!

Steve G

I found the lyrics to "Kiss Me Goodbye" on some other website. Here they are, with my revisions and additions.

[Note: The lyrics I found said "If you can't stand a single moment, then go, but kiss me goodbye." I think this makes better sense than what I included below, but I went with what my ear is telling me.]

I never promised you
I never meant
To be unkind
All I gave
You returned to me
Now love's the last thing
On your mind

Nothing in this world's
No-one's heart
Is made of stone
Now I know
I'm yours in principle
I'm the one thing
You'll never own

If you can live your life
Without me
Turn and walk away
Minutes turn to hours
Hours turn to days
If you can stand
A single moment
Then do
Kiss me goodbye
Kiss me goodbye
Kiss me goodbye
Kiss me goodbye

If I promise you
There's so much more
To share with you
Did you expect
The holy trinity
In all I say and
All that I do

If you can live your life
Without me
Turn and walk away
Minutes turn to hours
Hours turn to days
If you can stand
A single moment
Then do
Kiss me goodbye
Kiss me goodbye
Kiss me goodbye
Kiss me goodbye

It's not emotional
We said farewell
A thousand times
Why pretend there'll be
A second chance
Unless this last kiss
Changes your mind

If you can live your life
Without me
Turn and walk away
Minutes turn to hours
Hours turn to days
If you can stand
A single moment
Then do
Kiss me goodbye
Kiss me goodbye
Kiss me goodbye
Kiss me goodbye

Kiss me goodbye

{I thought you cared, but it seemed you didn't love me. I cared enough to know I could never leave you.}

Kiss me goodbye


Steve G

Just a few quick suggestions for "The Love Inside the Love".

"To all the things you still refuse to feel"

It sounds like "Avoid the goldie sacks", but that can't be right, can it? I'm leaving it as "golden sacks", letting my brain overrule my ear this time.

"Buried beneath the plastic bags"


Steve G

And here is "Brighter Than the Sun".

I'm amazed
And a little fazed
By what passes for wit
These days

I'm not crazy 'bout
The trash they praise
Or the flags they wave
These days

I'm amazed
And a little fazed
By the drugs they crave
These days

That's just
The way it plays
It's a masquerade
These days

I'm a man out of time
Till the stars realign
With taste so refined
I don't know
Which way we're headin'

I'm a man out of time
With a mountain to climb
Just lookin' for a sign
Do you know
Which way we go

I'll ask the boy
That I once was
'Bout the man
That I've become
'Bout the days and days
And days gone by
And the nights
Still yet to come

That boy would
Turn to me and say
You're not the only one
When all's said and done
Our future's looking
Brighter than the sun

I'm amazed
And a little fazed
By the way
Love stays today
By the flags
That they portray
In a lover's gaze today

I'm amazed
And a little fazed
By the things
You say to me
By the faith you place in me
And all that we can truly be

I'm a man out of time
Till the stars realign
With taste so refined
I don't know
Which way we're headin'

I'm a man out of time
Trapped in rewind
Just lookin' for a sign
Do you know
Which way to go

I'll ask the boy
That I once was
'Bout the man
That I've become
'Bout the days and days
And days gone by
And the nights
Still yet to come

That boy would
Turn to me and say
You're not the only one
When all's said and done
Our future's looking
Brighter than the sun

I'll ask the boy
That I once was
'Bout the man
That I've become
'Bout the days and days
And days gone by
And the nights
Still yet to come

That boy would
Turn to me and say
You're not the only one
When all's said and done
Our future's looking
Brighter than the sun

When all's said and done
Our future's looking
Brighter than the sun

Our future's looking
Brighter than the sun

When all's said and done
Our future's looking
Brighter than the sun


I can't make out the lyrics to "Viva Love Reprise", unfortunately. ;)

Otherwise I think this project is complete.

Thanks for the collaboration. I hope that some of what I've come up with is helpful to you.

Take care!

Jacob Vaslab

Re: The Love Inside The Love...

Not golden sacks or gurney sacks, but cul-de-sacs.

"Avoid the cul-de-sacs".

It's a French phrase widely used in Britain to denote a dead-end street.


Powell Pressburger

Kiss Me Goodbye

It should be
"If you can stand
A single moment
Then go
Kiss me goodbye"

Ian McFarlane

Love the string arrangements on all the songs in the album- personal favourite is Confessions of a Fool "all my pride crushed up in a paper cup" - great lyric! - great tune!

Steve G

Powell, thanks for the commitment to "go". I have changed it in my own iTunes "custom lyrics".

And Jacob, thanks for "cul-de-sacs". I know the word; it just never came to mind while listening. I always appreciate such corrections.

I know it's August, but here's to a Christmas you all deserve. :)

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