I am a futurist living at the corner of culture and technology with a penchant for disruption and cacophony. My current areas of interest in future forecasting (not to be confused with futures trading) are financial systems (specifically virtual/alternate currencies, lending and transactions); consciousness, identity, and neuro-cognitive advancements.
Instead of thinking and writing about possible futures, I work best when something is actually created. Below are some of my "impossible" futures, based upon my academic research. Unlinked items are available upon request or coming soon. Contact puissant at heathervescent dot com.
- Future of Currency (Spring 2010): Alternative Currencies Consortium
- Future of Currency (Spring 2010): Novenify: Life Extension for the Human Intelligence
- Future of Currency (Spring 2010): ACC Call for Participation
- Future of Identity (Summer 2010): Trantor Mentors
- Future of Transactions Scenario (Fall 2010): The Value Exchange
- Future of Transactions Scenario (Fall 2010): The Dischordians
- Future of Transactions Scenario (Fall 2010): Dinner with Friends, circa 2020
- Future of Transactions Scenario (Fall 2010): The Mobile Wallet
- Future of Transactions Study (Fall 2010): The Survey
These sites are possible futures. They could happen, but they probably won't - and definitely not exactly as I've defined them. (I'm a cynical optimist.)