Announcing my my latest film: Not Just Who They Say We Are: Claiming our Identity on the Internet,” is a short film introducing a stealth community of “Identirati” as they define and refine digital identity at their bi-annual Internet Identity Workshop (IIW).
“We’ve had 10,000 years to work out identity in the physical world,” said Doc Searls, an IIW co-founder and co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto. “But online, we’ve had a generation or less to work it out.”
Not Just Who They Say We Are from Phil Windley on Vimeo.
I’ve been part of the IIW community since 2007 so I’ve seen first hand how this group works together - beyond corporate borders to improve internet identity for everyone. IIW has been the incubator for multiple identity protocols like OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 and Facebook single sign on was inspired by what they learned at IIW.
I’ve worked to make this film since 2012, and both the film and the event are a labor of love in a world full of businesses trying to make a buck off identity.
With the near constant hacks and the Internet of Things data security issues, secure online identity is important now more than ever. (I also co-wrote a book on
CyberSecurity, so I know first hand how important this topic is today.)