Sean White is the CEO & Founder of Bright Sky and has researched wearable technology since the mid-90s. In today's conversation, recorded on June 23, 2015, we reflect on 20 years of wearable technology. Follow Sean on Twitter @seanwhite.
Over the last 20 years, Sean White has been leading and collaborating on creative explorations of the technologies, systems, and experiences that connect us to each other, our environment, and our information through entrepreneurial, executive, advisory, management, and maker roles.
His work and expertise ranges from building successful start-ups to research and products around wearable devices and sensors, augmented reality visualization and interfaces on handhelds and glasses, HCI, AR games, environmental sensing, botanical species identification, large scale information architecture and networks, online communities and growing carbon nanotubes for fuel cells and solar cells.
He is on the Steering Committee for IEEE ISMAR. 30+ peer reviewed publications and 20+ patents granted or filed and was a 2009 Tech Award Laureate for his work on a system for botanical species identification on mobile devices.
The Future of Wearables series is made possible by Sourcebits and The Heterotopian Design Group with a special thank you to IEEE.