Today's interview recorded on April 27, 2015 is with Silona Bonewald, OpenBio Advocate. In it, we discuss mesh networks, private data ownership and social contracts. On the spicier side, we discuss a few sticky situations when data trackers collect sexual activity. Follow Silona on Twitter @silona.
A badass transcending definitions, Silona has worked at the edge of tech and decentralized systems. She recently completed work at Emotiv Lifesciences. She is now involved in the OpenBio movement. Among her accomplishments, she coined the phrases Citability and Codeathon that are widely recognized throughout various dictionaries and Wikipedia. A social media early adopter who organized the best parties ever thrown at SxSW.
- Check out Jott Messenger: A Mesh Network
- Sweden's Condom Positive campaign video
The Future of Wearables series is made possible by Sourcebits and The Heterotopian Design Group with a special thank you to IEEE.