A dank london tunnel. Moisture and crumbling stone walls. A Luchadore wrestling ring. I felt right at home.
The Mistress of Ceremonies enters the ring. Two cards are displayed. My throat chokes. Hot tears run down my cheeks. It's my situation exactly. (What I have started to refer as "Hogtied across the Atlantic"). She had me at Jodorosky.
I find myself in a dream. I'm experiencing these things I am desperate to experience - the experiences I create for others - I'm in it now. It's not Alice in Wonderland - it's a segment of the Holy Mountain. I'm delighted, inspired, fully conscious in the moment.
I learn from the embodied cards. Ephiphanies. Understanding. Richer than I could have dreamed. Ending in a spectacle on roller skates. This was exactly where I was suposed to be. This was exactly what I was suppose to experience. I leave the experience changed.