Every solid handhold I created the past 5 years has shifted. So far, I've traveled almost 60k miles this year, my preferred tool has been broken/in for repair for 2 1/2 months and I just moved (it only took me 3 1/2 months to do it). (There are other, larger shifts, not mentioned here too.)
Needless to say, I have felt a bit unsettled. I needed to find a sense of "grounding." Stability. But, I was rarely home. I spend more time with my suitcase than I do with my dog. I'm in an airplane a LOT. My feet are barely on the ground.
So I embarked on a thought experiment. I started with a vision of grounding. I thought of tree roots in the earth. A vertical grounding, so the tree could grow, strong yet flexible in the winds of change. But this concept of roots wasn't working for me.
Then I started thinking about the earth. What's the earth grounded to/with? Nothing? It's a sphere hanging in space. The earth has no "roots." It lays on nothing. I envisioned the solar system, the planets - all wondering what how they were "grounded". In nothing? Spinning? Then I saw the earth is "rooted" in its core.
I thought about this. I liked that. Seemed to make sense. But how to translate this concept to moi, human? My core is not not a physical core, although it comes with me where ever I go. Part body, part mind, part something else. It's the part of me that rocked a 2 week trip after my computer died on the airplane (and proceeded to give 2 presentations with temporary tools). This combination of self, part personal identity, part body, part mind, part online connectivity. It's where and what I'm rooted in as I physically move around this globe.