Feeling beaten down by a stressful week, I am reminded of the reasons I do these things.
"You don't do them for money or fame or because it's easy. You do these things because that's the world you want to live in." - Jean Poulet
I want to live in a world where people think outside the box to solve problems beyond the standard procedure. I want to live in a world where someone can have rockstar hair in traditional business environment. I want to live in a world where granddaughters send their grandmothers flowers - every month. I want to live in a world where people make amazing experiences for other people. I want to live in a world that evolves down a pathway that increases possibilities. I want to live in a world where people are aware of the ripple of their influence on others and themselves. I want a world aware.
I create this world I want to live in - bittersweetly, even if I rarely get to experience it.
Creating the world you want to live in is a hard task. The status quo beats and attacks and shuts you down. Sometimes breaks you. But there is always another day, another attempt to create this world anew.
Giving other people (who are mere reflections of myself) the experiences I desperately crave.
What an inspiring post! I couldn't have started my day out better. Thanks for sharing this, Heathervescent.
Posted by: Peneloper | March 20, 2012 at 08:22 AM
Thank you for paying it forward. Yes. Michael Yaziji – professor at IMD business school – comes at fundamental transformation of society and factors leading to speed of innovation from a strategic, ownership and governance angle in his TEDx talk.
Instead of internalizing the cost, internalize the interest, power, ownership, and control. What if we bring the interests of the stakeholders inside the decision making process of the firm?
More at http://corporation2020.org
Posted by: CoCreatr | March 22, 2012 at 06:10 AM