1. Why does the universe exist?
2. Why do I exist?
3. Why does _(fill in the blank/anything)_ exist?
These are big questions (I wanted to know the answer to), with a simple answer. I meditated on these questions over a decade ago. Each night as I slept I swam the sap in the world tree. (I know it's a strange metaphor - but that's exactly what it was - a droplet circulating from specific leaves to other places.)
After five nights, I knew the answer.
I have never forgotten that answer. I never questioned it's "correctness." Occasionally, I share it. But it's not an answer to be given lightly. No one has argued with the answer. When I learned of Spiral Dynamics, it helped me understand the subtle truth of it.
When I think of it, I become more tolerant, open, curious. Fear disappears. I want to understand, not judge.