I'm reading James Ogilvy's Living without a Goal - in a way to remind myself of more carefree times in my life when I let life happen, when I was less fixated on success and achieving goals.
It's been a good reminder. A return to well worn but overgrown paths. This morning, while enjoying my coffee, I came across this line:
After all, how could you ever fall through this immense net when you are part of that very net.
What a wonderful perspective! Of course, I always have thought of my own safety net, and many times I have helped lift others up. Right now, there are friends and colleagues that are helping me in ways that I have done for others. I guess you have to get out of your comfort zone to activate the net.
But that what life is all about. Getting out of your comfort zone and flying. Not to worry that you will get what you need in the time that you need it. And you will provide what others need, in the times that they need it.