Whack jobs
Who is crazy enough to put a six point roll cage into a Geo Metro,
Bitchin Camaro, Saab 900 or VW Rabbit with a pancake on it’s head?
“Serious racers who've had enough of the seriousness and just want to
go out and have a good time for a change. Or whack jobs who've always
wanted to get on a racetrack but couldn't figure out how to get
started,” says Lamm.
My team was definitely of the whack job variety. Let me introduce them: Dominik our fearless leader had the genius idea to take the piece of junk supra to the races. The car was actually his girlfriend Kelly's, and she used to drive it around south pasadena with her two pit bull mixes in the back. It had broken down on her more than once. Dave was our master welder and patiently bended and often rebended the roll cage pieces. Sam was the least crazy of us all and proved to be the best and fastest driver getting only one penalty when he did a 180. You already know me -- I'm hell on four wheels.
Read the rest of my article over on the Suicide Girls site.