Master Cleanse update. Day 4 and 5 were brutal. It didn't help that I started thinking about what I would do when I broke the cleanse - nor did it help having people around.
I have been cranky, tired, bored and depressed. I skipped the elimination on the morning of day 5. They are not kidding about ridding your body of toxins. I guess the two days of toxins in my colon led to the massive detox symptoms. (All of the above are detox symptoms).
Anyway, after following the procedure this morning - I feel much much better. I still have some residual detox feelings, but I'm going to be able to go as long as I want. And I have decided when I am breaking the cleanse. I originally planned to go 10 days - starting on the 20th and ending on my birthday. But I've added a trip to Mountain View (for She's Geeky) and I don't want to deal with cleansing and travel. So I'm going to break it on day 8 - so that I can be more "normal" when I travel. I have decided I am going to try a mostly raw or vegetarian diet when I am finished. I'll still eat meat and fish, but I am going to reduce those amounts. I really never ate that much of it anyway.
I have also decided that since I am not able to do the full 10 days, I am going to try to do a 20 day master cleanse later this year - after I get back from my various travels (Peru, Austin, Iowa). When broke, travel cheap.
One more thing about the MC. Yesterday, when I crazy wanted to break it off, I just smelled the food - and surprisingly that was enough to satisfy me. I didn't actually want to eat it - I just miss the ritual around food. When I'm done, I think I will have gotten out exactly what I wanted in doing the MC. Three more days. And today, the boyf is treating me to the day spa!
What you're going through here is called the cleanser "hump", it is natural to find it brutal. Good job.
Posted by: John The Master Cleanse Diet Expert | January 28, 2009 at 12:38 AM