I'm on day three of the Master Cleanse. It's the "diet" where you drink only this lemonade made of lemons, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. I've got another 8 days to go before I hit the recommended 10 days and right now I have no desire to eat - although I miss the concept of food. It's funny, I don't really have any cravings (except now and then) but I think about how much I would like a cup of coffee (because it's my morning ritual) or that planning for dinner is something I enjoy. The act of cooking and eating what I cooked.
But, I am amazed at my body. Amazed that I can actually go without food. That I have gone without food for two days already. The secret is the cayenne pepper. That is what makes the lemonade feel like food. Here's to hoping I can keep it up for at least another day and maybe I'll make the full ten.