I've been banging my head against the wall all day today. Sometimes the words flow - other times, it's like seriously pulling teeth. The upside, is that I've gotten back into the swing of interviewing. Done 6 interview over the past few days (not including the weekend). And I have a good solid start on my next SG column.
The death of me today, was that I was doing a final bit of research - just to check to see if I left anything major out - and wham - I got hit with the "my article sucks" bug. I tried ignoring it, just letting that emotion stay at arms reach. I got out the egg timer and thought I had a decent start on my final draft. Then the resistance came back even stronger. I thought I would distract it by talking to a friend. I thought maybe I was extra stressed out because of the performance on Saturday that I have three new folks and had our first practice tonight. (Which by the way went swimmingly! It's going to be the best performance yet. Plus a music video and stage show is in development.)
But I think it's just one of those days. Those days when the writing just isn't flowing, but you gotta write anyway. When your standards are high, but you just can't seem to reach them. I know it doesn't suck half as much as I think it does, but I've built it up in my mind and that sure helps resistance.
But I know that tomorrow I'll just have to get back on the horse again. That regardless of where I end tonight, I'll be that much closer.