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Snippets from yesterday's GTD seminar at UCLA
Yesterday I attended a workshop where David Allen talked about his upcoming book. I had agreed to stay later so they could film a testimonial - but I had no idea what it was for. Well, it turns out that he is making an infomercial! And your purple, pink and turquoise haired author just may be one of the testimonials.
Of course I would do anything to promote David Allen's GTD. Using his system has helped me optimize my life and helped me make ALL my dreams come true - not just some of them. But, I really didn't realize how professional and serious it was all going to be until I was sitting in the green room and I noticed the make-up chair. Other "normal" looking folks were sitting in it, having makeup put on. I though with a bit of trepidation and excitement, will I have to sit there? I had brought my own makeup to touch up if needed, but it wasn't - as a few moments later, I was sitting there myself.
I calmed myself by reading Jonathan Carroll - completely sucked into his marvelous world. Sipping on tea and not thinking about anything in particular. I was a little concerned - I had no script, they were just going to ask me some questions and I was just to talk away about my experience with GTD. (Not hard once I get started.)
Afterwards a strange thought popped into my head - what if they really used something I said? Then my talking head would be in an informercial! Of course, GTD is something I completely believe in - so I don't feel weird about evangelism the awesomeness of the system. But what about those people who may recogonize me from the late night running from from high school. That's what I'm really concerned about. Or what is kind of exciting too.
The other really cool thing, was watching the production company and how they ran things. How everything was set up. Who did what? It's good to stalk the way other people do things, before you start doing them on your own. :P
Posted at 05:42 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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In case you missed my email blasts last night about Machine Project on the geek dinner lists and facebook, I'm posting it here on the blog.
Michele also posted on metblogs. I know together we can raise enough for Machine to survive. I'll see you at the fry in a few hours.
Posted at 05:26 PM in Kicking Ass | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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I recognized his dog. It was the type he includes in most of his novels.
I notice dogs. I have too. My dog, as much as a lover he is to humans, does not get along with other dogs. With his three times a day walks, I always have my dog eye out. So I noticed his dog right away.
They were on the other side of the street so I didn't think much of it. I was too busy enjoying the Los Angeles November - 70 degrees, mild and balmy, a light breeze. Wrapped up in my own world.
I was rereading his books too. Traveling to Crane's View and past times in my life. Burning the sticks, Hyperion days from my northern life.
I saw his dog for a couple weeks. Always on the other side of the street and that always suited me fine. I never looked at the man on the other side of the leash. If I had, perhaps I would have asked him if he wanted that drink I promised him four years ago. But he's back in Vienna and I've miss my chance for now.
Posted at 06:06 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Posted at 05:58 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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“No matter how good you are, you’ll never be better than yourself.” – Mr Brian D via Bob Dylan
Posted at 01:37 PM in Quotes | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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My Santacon write-up at SuicideGirls.com is my formal announcement that I've started writing for them. Here's a little taste of the experience:
Pop over to the site where you can read the rest of the article for free! (But sorry, you pay $4 to see pics of sexy burlesque girls).
Posted at 04:07 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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So yeah, if you didn't know, I helped out put together this year's Santacon. Stay tuned for my complete write-up.
And yes, that is my "Don't Stop Believing" Santa t-shirt.
Posted at 08:23 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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I was feeling down - I really broke myself on Saturday and then I opened up a can of worms I wanted to forget in this lifetime. So I've been trying to take it easy. I just finished watching my #2 favorite movie of all time - Fellini's Satryicon. The saturated colors, black eyeliner, amazing characters, the scene cuts, the raw dirt and dirtyness of it all. It is one of the masterpieces in my eyes.
I'm not satisifed with merely knowing about it's existance, with sharing it's bestness with others. I'm not satisifed with it on my shelf at any moment, a hands legnth away from me. Because everytime I think about it, or watch it, that tiny voice whispers in my head. I see where it needs to go from here. But I fear I do not have the talent or ability to make something on that level.
Sure, I can run my own company, blow things up, build Internet products, drive like a maniac safely, create cacophony, perform on stage, publish a book/s and a myriad million other things - but that's not it. Everything I have ever done until now have been practice runs. Playing. Toying. Testing and Learning. Practice listening to that voice in my head - the one that gives me the ideas that are desperate to manifest. But like I said, I'm not just concent with "doing" them, making things happen. There're masterpieces inside me, they remind me with their whispers. But I'm afraid that maybe I can't do them.
Posted at 08:18 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Creating the container for cacophony.
Places the dots on the graph.
The path from one dot to another - line.
The line has freedom to move from one to the next.
Or to circle and loop and double back.
Who places the point?
Who walks the line?
Navigating from a to b,
There are many methods.
Trackers live in the future
the cutting edge is lonely.
Placing the fires, the dots, dangerous alone
still a dream.
Spider spins the web, dreamers live the dream.
and the Journey is the only destination.
Dots, destinations, dreams and the in-between.
Posted at 09:13 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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that was super-inspirational and as far as I know no one got arrested.
Posted at 01:31 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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Dear Blog, I've gotten busy again. This time it's lots of writing projects, looking for another clients (in this economy - good luck) and organizing some cacophony.
I've also started on a new mantra. For years, a decade maybe, my mantra was "all my dreams come true". And then they did - multiple times. So I decided that perhaps it was time to get real again on a new mantra. So I have. It's scary - cause it's a big mantra - one I really desire - and seems hard and unreachable. But so did my dreams at one point. So I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Posted at 11:54 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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"I'm a Gen-Xer, I'm jaded about everything."
- the quotable heathervescent
Posted at 05:48 PM in Quotes | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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