John Paul is a painter and he must be over 80. He lives in the 4plex in front of our house, so every time I take the dog out I walk by his open windows and spy bits of colored paintings. Often I smell solvents and that's when I know hes painting.
I myself prefer to bake and when I do, it's generally big batches that are way more than I want to consume. I used to send a bunch with the boyfriend to work (or take some myself) but I would still have a lot left over. So I figured out a solution to my cookie making problem - maybe John Paul would like some. So now when I make cookies or brownies (or that massive batch of rice crispy treats like a few weeks ago) I make a little package for him.
He told me he enjoyed something sweet with his scotch nightcap. And I get to bake without the worry of eating everything. Problem solved - along with a budding friendship.
(sweet tooth raises virtual hand, hoping to be noticed the next time you feel the need to give away treats)
"Here! Over here!"
I baked brownies to bring over to Mack Reed's poker night party this weekend. As is my wont, I decided that a fudge brownie by itself just wasn't enough to move the needle. So I added caramel turtle & butterscotch chips.
I think I should get a kickback from the American Dental Association. Hee!
Posted by: The Wordyeti | November 25, 2008 at 02:54 PM