I've been doing a lot of thinking about happiness and satisfaction. I never really had much of either. I've never been one to be satisfied with anything, let alone myself. A few weeks ago, that changed. There was no epiphany. It wasn't a sudden realization - a voice from god or vahalla. I was pondering some things and I realized that I have accomplished the life, the thing I set my intention to accomplish. It was the only thing I would have sacrificed anything - everything - and I have - to accomplish. I quietly realized that here I was, with it right here.
So there's my life's goal accomplished, now what?
It's not that my life's goal was my reason for existence or why I'm here on this earth. It's not.
I feel like a clean new whiteboard. I've completed all the levels and killed the big bad demon. I've whizzed though the expansion packs and played different characters.
I've won the master game. I'm finally satisfied. Knowing this, I am happy. I can go home and work in my garden in the best of all possible worlds.