Gmail launched themes a week ago or so. At first I thought, ugh, more personalization that isn't necessary and is going to distract me from my goal - email. Then I took a step back and thought - hey - this is a great way to interrupt and change the way I deal with email. You know, stir things up to mix up the habits? (This is a technique I use to increase self-awareness.)
So I flipped through the themes and decided upon the Ninja one. I picked it specifically because I liked the jaunty lines. The cute ninjas didn't hurt either.
Over the past few days, I've been notices all the delights in the theme. The ninja does all kind of things while I check my gmail. And when I send a message, I sometimes see a new picture. After I noticed this, I started taking screenshots of them. Here are a few of them.
It's almost a story.
Ninjas to match your ninja stickers!
Posted by: Shannon | November 26, 2008 at 02:03 PM