Weekends, I had forgotten you. Having freelanced/runmyowncompany/consult for the past 3+ years - a weekend was no different from any other day. Except the boyfriend was home and usually I was out on an adventure or holed up in the house reading/cleaning (I love to clean).
It was a great time. I remember back when I decided I would live each day like I was on vacation - and I did - for a very long time. But just because I was always on vacation, work was "optional" I lost the meaning of work segmentation. I could do work anywhere, anytime and I did. I always had my GTD notebook with me. I was always returning calls, email, doing the Biz Dev, going out and being seen and networking. All the time. To the detriment of my true interests, my varied passions.
I didn't think having a day job increase the time I would spend doing the things I love - but it has. Because I have less time to do my private things, I spend that the way I truly want to.
The only negatives to the day job in my book are having to get up, shower, get dressed and attempt to leave the house before 9am and not being able to write off as much on my taxes (OMG - I've paid more in taxes already this year than the past one!). This cutting back, this decrease requires discernment. I don't want to juggle all those balls in the bucket. I only did it because I could and no one else was. Now, I'm done with these balls and oh wow, thanks universe, here's a whole bunch more of brand new exciting things to do and learn and share and experience.
What a relief I no longer have to share my micro experiences with everyone electronically and that I am content to experience them directly with a select minority.