I'm an actor as I go through my life. I have many roles. I've been many roles. And there are many roles in my future.
I was wandering my past today. (The main reason I write this blog is to facilitate these past wanderings - remember who I was, what I was thinking and all that.) A couple years ago I started taking the spotlight challenge. I decided to stop playing in the wings - and to take on a new role - one of being in the forefront of technology and Los Angeles. I was reluctant and awkward.
Water flows down - catching in the low places and fills them up, until it overflows - and moves on.
I've been thinking about this image a lot recently. I've missed the person I used to be and I've been thinking about her often this past week. My mind travels back and picks out the gems from my past self. I'm stagnant. I've been stagnant for a while - caught in someone else's dream that attached itself to me.
I'm ready for something different. I'm ready to revisit some roles of the past.
* photo by Ike Unson