I'm one of these people that in work and love, is never on the market. My life flows from one thing to another.
One of these transitions just occurred. I had been riding The Purple Tornado, holding tea parties in the eye of the storm while juggling projects, clients and possibilities. The winds have slowed and I've found myself in a new land - one worth exploring. (In another vision, I see the mercenary for-hire self of mine complete with guns, weapons and crusty leather armor joining a team tasked with a vision.) Oh, it's all very mythic isn't it? What can I say - I like Myths.
But it's true. The tornado has joined a crowd with a vision. I'm embarking on my next big adventure by joining Crowdgather as their Director of Community Evangelism. (Disclaimer, I have been working with Crowdgather since February of this year.) I have to say, I am very excited - my excitement is even surprising me - and I can't wait to unleash and create to ultimately improve the lives of billions of people. It's a big goal - but my dad always told me to "Aim High."