I had a ton of things to write about this morning when I was commuting over laurel canyon. I was heat exhausted and slightly dehydrated from the heat. I remember thinking how happy I was that I was driving on a regular basis again. I really think about things differently when I'm in the car. I missed those deep thoughts.
I was remembering how great it felt to be back on a bike. I took the moto guzzi out on it's inaugural ride (to Lothlorian Topanga) this weekend. It's loud - oh man is it a loud bike - but the sound - is sweet sweet music to my ears. Ear your heart out Marc Bolan.
Then there was the Thievery Corporation Concert at the bowl. And thinking about imperminance and how it is just a lesson and not an end. An understanding in impermanence makes it easier to let go of things before crystallizing.
I'll leave you with these videos for inspiration. This one and this one are real inspirations. Just try to imagine what performance ideas I have running through my naughty little mind.
Also the dog ate almost 6 ounces of orange infused chocolate - and lived to tell. What is up with this dog's love of chocolate? He totally took it off my dresser to eat it.