Hey Blog,
I know, it's been another break in the conversation - conversation with myself - har har har. Anyway, I've been holed up inside my house - and perfectly happy about that. I'm not much of a social person anyway - I've always identified as being anti-social, which brought be to technology and the internet. Damn you MFers who made technology social!!!! Maybe I don't want to interact with people. (Opposite viewpoint - I will say that Mindshare was one of the best times I had recently - I will probably check that out again.)
So, anyway....
What have I been spending my time doing? Well, I am happy with my work and my clients and my work. It's interesting and challenging and good possibilities. I've got a couple redesigns in my mind, some travel plans and I've been spending ungodly amounts of time reading. I'm finally taking my desire to be a scientist (or at least more hard-core science) seriously and have begun my studies - jumping straight into Quantum Mechanics via a HIPPO intro book, which a dash a Chemistry and Math (and followed up with helping of Asimov for dessert).
I tell ya - the Raleigh-Jeans, Wise and Planck equations and derivation one to another made my head spin. But I was delighted to learn Planck's constant is known as "h"! 6.63 times 10 to the negative 34th power baby! That's me! Tack that onto the frequency of light waves and you've got "hv"! Now I'm just looking for n and T to add. I know temperature and numbers have got to come in somewhere... but maybe not in the right order. E=nhv?
Har har - just a little heather math humor. In other news - the boyf brought home an asteroids game - an original 1979 one. I can tell I am going to get good at it. I am personally striving for a pinball game - preferable one with "multi-ball".
And that's about what is happening in heatherland these days. Science, great clients, site redesigns, desert designs (oh, I might have forgotten to tell you I've started architecting options at the doubLL Ranch) and some travel plans.
Hey Heather!
So glad you made it to Mindshare this month. We're working on a BIG ONE for June 19th - hope you can make it ;)
Much love Miss Purple,
Dougie Fresh
Posted by: Doug Campbell | May 27, 2008 at 11:05 AM