Are you excited? I'm excited. Tonight is going to be a really fun geek dinner. We're having a blind date with dorkbot. Do you have butterflies in your stomach? I do. I've been preparing to make sure everything is just perfect.
We've got some great prizes to give away, a white-elephant for those of you who bring something, and some really great catering that has omni-vor, vegi and vegan offerings for only $15.
Dessert is brought to us by SK Telecom. Machine Project will have the floor bar open. You won't want to miss this. There is a hole in the floor. You push a button, and a silver hand comes up. You put $3 in it and it goes away. Then it come back with a beer. Totally cool!
I know there are going to be other surprises, so join the 50+ of us for dinner tonight, down at Machine Project.