I was pondering death yesterday when the boyfriend sent me this article.
I am now 55 years old. Like a lot of people in middle age my late-night thoughts bend to contemplations about how short my remaining time is. Even with increasing longevity there is not enough time to do all that I want. Nowhere close. <snip>
I decided to take the idea of number days seriously, and to revisit my earlier experience of counting down my remaining time on this lovely mortal plane. My hope was that a reckoning of my numbered days would help me account for how I spend each precious 24 hours, and to focus my attention and energy on those few tasks and projects I deem most important to me. Indeed, it might help me decide which ones are most important, which is the harder assignment.
I thought this was an interesting concept, so I estimated my death date and created a countdown. Apparently I will die (although I have died before and will yet again) on September 16, 2054. That gives me 17,145 days left.