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July 14, 2007


Robert 'Groby' Blum

It's unfortunate that the core message is buried: "Doing work that doesn't interest me". That's the real key point.

Many people dream about the rockstar life, but what they really mean is "I want to be financially independent and do what I like doing".

Not that there's anything wrong with getting applause ;) - but not everybody actually enjoys being on stage.

Mr. Greg Burkart

I have a theory about the United States and the World in relation to work and integrity.

Just watch and mark my word...China is delibertly poisoning the USA people. On purpose and on demand.
The intent, design, concept, engineering, delivery, distribution, and our dollar-yes even our US dollar, is undermining our Government, our health care, our futures pro-services, manufacturing, and technologies becuase of lack of Integrity and spine.
This world is falling apart becuase of the unequal trade.......i am writing a book.

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