Here are my notes from the Web2Open session on Flow State by Janette Girod of That Voodoo You Do.
Flow state
aspects of flow
- attention is key (to experience)
(attention can be trained)
- make it easy for yourself
(screen out distractions)
beware the rabbit hole
9 components of the flow state
1. Clear goals (not too abstract or long term)
achievable in one single session
sit down, decide what you want to do, by end of the session, you have achieved it
2. A high degree of concentration on a limited field of attention
multi-taking is switching btwn tasks
3. A loss of self-consciousness, the merging of action and awareness
(work is not extention of your self image - get your ego out of your work)
4. A distorted sense of time
(you get more out of the time in flow)
set aside a specific allocated time for flow (and block out distractions for that time)
takes at least 15 minutes to get into flow state
the power of 48 minutes (48 minute work sessions with 12 mnute breaks)
requires a timer (egg timer)
timeleft desktop widget
5. Direct & immediate feedback, behavior can be adjusted as needed.
getting something built and out there, for fine tune tweaking
practicing and doing more
pottery class example
6. Balance between ability level and challenge.
7. a sense of personal control over the situation.
8. Intrinsically rewarding action, resulting in effortless of action.
develop and refine your own style.
9. Focus of awareness is narrowed down to the activity itself.
fully occupy the mind, the less it wanders
There will always be interruptions.