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December 14, 2006


Will Campbell

The honda nighthawk 750's a fine cycle. My first three-digit cc bike was an early '80s 400 hawk that I bought used for a couple hundred bucks off a guy in glassell park back in '91. Loved that old thing, broke my heart to sell it but times were lean and the child support was due. Couple years later I was gonna graduate to a 750 nighty but went bigger with a kawi 1000 GSR. Loved her too (up until our last ride that ended abruptly against the side of some ass pulling a u-turn from the curb in front of me doing 40) but wish I'd gone with the 750 instead. Spruce enough for the city but comfy and powerful enough for the open road. No surprise that it sold so quick. Congrats on the closure.


Just goes to show that Craiglist is an amazing thing.

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