- I was in Boston.
- I slammed my thumb in a compound metal frame and really hurt it bad. Hotel doc did mini-surgery, and then I did it myself a few times when I returned to WeHo.
- Weekend acquired a new bed and generally catching up on my east coast sleep dep.
- Monday morning kicked ass for a few hours and then jumped on the 5 and headed south - to a land of fog, confusion, memories, difficulties, family. What in linear time was not more than 36 hours, felt like a good fat week of activities. Reality metaphors created themselves as the wind whipped my hair (top was down) and I reached triple digits in orange county.
- Coming back yesterday, I sat on the 5 for about 4 hours, in a trip that the previous day had taken 1 triple digit kiss hour.
- I returned to costumed festivities, but couldn't don my own. Instead I crawled into newly purchased bed and dove deep into the material of my dreams.
- Juggling reality, metaphors, projects, fragility of my human form and more - and executing and lining up plans, events and project like barcamp, selling my house, dailymantra site, the purpletornado, helping my friends and family in all ways, and my diamond client starting to sparkle. (We're changing the etching process.)
- Then there is politics and pole dancing.
- My brain aches to change concepts into paragraphs, but my attention is needed elsewhere.
Soon, soon.