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November 26, 2006


pinky the first

ummm, I'm sure some of the fridge-box dwellers down by the railroad would be happy to rent some space to you, or even let you sit in them for free if you let them sit in your home on a night like tonight. It's cute when my cat wants to sit in a box, but kinda disturbing when my best friend does it!


My mom loves to tell stories of how I would toss the toys and love! the boxes. She also has photographic evidence that I once ate a newspaper. For fun.


Wow. You have no idea how badly I want to play inside a refrigerator box now...

When I still lived in Michigan (around the age of 15) my brother & I thought the box that our brand-new fridge came in was the coolest. We climbed in and closed the top - then we would run and jump against the side so it would roll top-over-bottom across the backyard. That was great.


That's an awesome picture by the way...

Jennifer Fader

oh wow, this brings back a LOT of sense memories, of connecting big boxes together and building forts, tunnels and the like in the basement!

The Champ

Cute! Where can I order one of those?

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