Well, Barcamp LA #2 is over. It was this weekend. It was a lot of work - but it totally paid off. People often wonder why I got involved. What was my motivation. I ask myself the same reason. How do I pick what I get involved with and what I spend my time doing? This post isn't supposed to be that post, so instead of waxing introspective, I'll just say, I had a great time, met lots of new people, saw lots of friends and generally had a great time once I relaxed. I especially liked building my own digital camera for $35 and Jenka's Branding of Authenticity sessions. And who could forget werewolf lead by danah boyd? Apparently my intuitive skills were sharp (especially after the jello shots) and I outed two of the werewolves one after the other until I convinced the other villagers to kill me so I could get back to the party.
Mack Reed did a great job live blogging it and Carmen de Jesus has a great recap.
My only question? Where were the vloggers?! One night crashers.
Bah... got hit with the flu. You can't quit us!
Posted by: Rick Rey | November 14, 2006 at 08:29 PM
I admit - I was a one night'er - I was really expecting several people (vloggers / Rick Rey included) to be there and when none of them were. I guess I got bummed out.
Or... it might have had something to do with my turning 25 that night and being a little freaked out by hitting the whole quarter-century mark. Who knows.
Posted by: Mike | November 15, 2006 at 11:49 AM
Heather, I've been interested in the LA-geek scene, ever since the deeply geeky session at BlogHer. But oh, circumstances have just been against it. (September: bad back; October: boyfriend's mother's hospitalization and death; November: another friend's hospitalization, two memorial services--2nd upcoming Saturday in NoCal.) I've had to cut way back on many things. Was sorry to miss BarCamp and the geek dinner. Here's hoping that things normalize enough that I can come out one of those Tuesday nights to meet people. And make it to the next BarCamp.
Posted by: Susan Kitchens | November 16, 2006 at 09:50 PM