To persuade someone of something you have to start small. Big changes take time and they happen step by step, moment by moment. You'll plant the seed. But then it must take root and become part of the new. Take an innovative idea. You can talk and show and display all you want. You may not persuade them to see your point of view in one meeting. But they'll leave with the seed planted. The next time you meet, the seed may have taken root. It may grow in a new direction. That's even better than you expected.
And then there are the days when I don't care about persuading. I have no patience for those who can't keep up with my thinking, extrapolation and the "right" way to do things. Those are the days I want to dump. Those are the days I question my existence. Or start wondering if being aware and paying attention are all they're cracked up to be. If I am so obviously enlightened, then why am I irritated? Why do I care? Why can't I find a method for these dunce-heads to see the light? And then that leads me to, well, there is probably more to learn.
Or maybe when I feel like this, I should go do something to take my mind off these irritations. Even the Dali Lama retreats to fix clocks occasionally.
I concurr completely. So many times, I feel like I am speaking a different language. It's impossible getting ideas across to people when they won't even grant you a simple premise.
It's worse in LA, where so many friends treat conversations like they're pitch meetings.
Posted by: Jay | October 05, 2006 at 01:47 PM