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October 16, 2006


pinky the first

yeah, you know, it was my first decom too, and as you know I've yet to go to BRC. I left that night tired and on the verge of cranky, eagerly anticipating my jacuzzi. And that was after only about 6 hours of that. Not sure I could stand a few days in a row of being surrounded by music I don't like and colorful party people. It was visually stunning and there were many inspirational costumes, but not sure it's worth adding in the dust and extreme weather and being out in the middle of nowhere. I think when I go it'll be on the way to a track day at Reno-Fernley and just stopping in to say hi. It kinda cracked me up that I didn't even think to dress for it, seeing as I have a closet full of BM-appropriate clothing I never wear.


"if I want to see a pole routine, I know where to go, thank you very much."

Where? =)

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