Dear Gigsville,
There are few places I feel at home - and with few people. You see, I have this exterior where I appear to be extremely extroverted. I'm really an introvert, I just practice being different. So this morning, straight off the geek dinner high, I open my list email and find Kmo's photos. Then I read beth's email about Decom plans and I remembered Wa's wrestling idea (I dare not type it here, lest we actually execute it). And I am delighted that I am your friend. Gigsville you are so in align with my thoughts, feelings, desires, experiences and attitude that I can not help but be completely and utterly obliterated, I mean, assimilated, I mean, never mind. My next three weeks are yours gigsville. There's not much I wouldn't do for you.
Just saying...
ps. I'll bring the magnesium brick.