Here's an interesting article from CNN on burners and the Burning Man culture. Yes, I admit, I much prefer to do business with other burners - even if I have never met them. It takes a certain type of person to go to the playa and yes, they get extra credit in my book. Not only are they most likely self-sufficient, they are generally more creative and willing to think between the lines. Oh yeah, and they probably like fire and blowing shit up.
I'd much rather hire and work for/with people who can do crazy risky things responsibly. It's what I call, managing risk strategically. It's not like you're not willing to take risks, it's just that you plan your risks and manage them for the least risk impact.
On a similar note, I met the Dance Dance Immolation people. I LOVE them. Last year, they were one of my most favorite installations. Any exhibit where you can suit up in a fireproof suit and get flames blasted at you and dance to Duran Duran's remix gets extra gold stars.
... still de playaing.
Yup. The Google weekly company meeting was cancelled that week, presumably due to top management being at BM. I didn't go this year, due to flaky cotravellers. 2007!
Posted by: Lars | September 10, 2006 at 07:58 PM