I've got a million different tracks going in a million different direction and I flit from one million to the other in a millionth of a second. As the loose ends get roped into the whole, the whole mass accelerates and draws more mass and accelerates faster. The fast flows merge and bubble over the rocks gathering rapid speed.
It's not a rocket, nor a comet, not even a beam of light. It's the edge of an idea piercing the edge, but before it breaks through, it navigates the crowd.
It's multi-tasking. The flipping from one tab in my GTD notebook to another. One second it's the phone, the next it's the email, and next the errands section. Then I'm doing things that aren't even in my book and I have no second to even mark them as done.
I have the starting to feel guilty stack of business cards on my desk not only from Blogher but from other meetings last week. Possibilities and people I've connected with. I have three notebooks of valuable thoughts, inspirations, aspirations that need to be translated. I have phone calls full of new tasks and plans and coordinations. And I'm sitting at my desk of glass, in my room of green filled with sunlight and activity.
A break from one work activity is execution on another project. A breath of fresh air is an errand complete. A casual surf on flickr is an inspiration.
Even the big irritation can not stick at this speed. I keep my mind open, like in the taxi. I don't let another person's problem stop me. They are the other's problem. An other I no longer know. I don't care. I deflect the barrage of words and hold up the mirror. And focus my mind on staying in the flow, and executing, and flying high and leaving the dogs to dry land.
Up here in rocket land, I'm moving so fast, I'm no longer moving. And I can see for miles.