I'm feeling a bit restless this moment. It's because I have finally somewhat gotten on top of my slew of projects. The BIG ONE, the ongoing one, a couple for friends, the writings and some travel. I sold the saab and feel like I'm entering a new .... level - plateau - cycle - system of my life. The words Baseline Arrival keep turning in my head. But I don't feel like I've reached a baseline. But at the same time I feel like I've reached a baseline - again and de novo. It's a strange feeling. A sort of deja vu. I've been by this road before, but it's a different road this time.
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Do tell more.....>....Where, if you know will you be traveing to? and i was wondering if im not asking to much! Im not clear on how u are using baseline?
Posted by: Michael:) | July 18, 2006 at 06:05 PM