It was sweltering in LA - that didn't stop me from loving it. S and I got up early and went for a hike in Topanga. We thought one 3 liter camelback and a bottle of Gatorade would be enough - but it wasn't. 3 hours later (and with another hour to hike back) we had finished our fluids and were coated with a thin film of sweat. Although I was almost dying of heat exhaustion, I had no problem hiking the various micro climates back to Topanga. We saw a couple snakes and countless little lizards. We hiked along streams, I climbed a tree, and we climbed up a waterfall. (It wasn't gushing.) Then we drank about 50 ounces of liquid in about 5 minutes.
We dragged ourselves home, washed the sweat off ourselves and barely made it to BossaNova where we ate STEAK! Just what we needed after the hike. Later I rousted myself with a rockstar and made it over to Bootie, where I shook my thang to mixed up mashed music.
Sunday morning light was streaming into my eyes as I was awakened with the excitement of the land auction. I was skeptical (even though it was my idea), but we went anyway and it was pretty fun. Sam even picked up some 40 acres of desert in Nevada for a paltry sum. Myself, I was holding out for the Mojave east of Barstow, but nothing was available.
So that was it. A fine fine weekend at home. Hiking, Steaks, Bootie, Land.
dude, that's awesome! Sam could put up a few solar collectors, a generator, and sell power. That's what I'd do if I bought some cheap, sunny land...Is it close to Vegas? ;-P
Posted by: pinky the first | June 09, 2006 at 10:23 PM