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May 09, 2006



that wouldn't be the thing near Vegas this weekend would it?

if so, take a look for me, I'll be doing the Ranger thing =)



Wow! I am so envious.


Thats so awesome! I had that feeling when I rode the zamboni at a hockey game in front of a sold out crowd.


women with flame throwers are such a turn on!

pinky the first

Schweeet! I was wearing my "It was on.." tee today, feeling like an imposter, as I do when I wear it, when I realized...if I can liive in Arusha for 4 weeks, choking on unfiltered diesel exhaust, Black Rock City in a dust storm should feel like a week at the Four Seasons hotel.


This was at an undisclosed location in the Mojave... It was so much fun. I want to make a mini-flame thrower now!


woo hoo!
I know how you feel. Really :-)
Just got back from the Fire Arts Expo
in SF, where I spent the last three
days wielding a rather large
"flame effect device". Don't want to
call it a flame thrower. Those are
illegal in California.

ps- just stumbled onto your blog, and I've
been enjoying your writing and viewpoints.
Hope to meet you someday. Look for me on
the playa with the Fire Vortex.


2006 detroit lion

Sexism is, is not a problem in society


Good site! I'll stay reading! Keep improving!

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