A year ago, I was with my grandmother. She died several days later. It's hard to believe a year has gone by. A year of not sending her cards, seeing pictures, visiting her.
She died peacefully in her sleep on the morning of May 28th.
I wanted some way to celebrate her life, her impact on me. I can say without a doubt she _was_ the most important person in my life. But I do not pine for her. I do not wish she was still her. I miss her. But my memory is full of so many good times. I am surrounded by her things and I think of her constantly. Not one day goes by that I don't use or see or wear something of hers and with that I remember.
I remember her laughing, her trips, her house in Oceanside. She is as fresh in my memory as she was in person.
I'll celebrate her life on Sunday, by eating and drinking her favorite things and remembering her.