Last saturday I had a slumber party at my house. There were 10 of us girls over at the house and we traded clothes, watched Valley Girls, made lots of yummy food, made prank calls, painted our faces with mud and played truth or lie.
What was the most fun was the fire. I love candles and fire and burn them a lot. I had these 3 ft candles in my front yard burning. Apparently one of them burned very fast and the wax melted onto the earth and eventually caught on fire. We found this amazing spectacle of "burning earth" when a friend showed up and asked "Is that some cool kind of fire effect or is should that not be on fire?" We all rushed to the door to check it out. Yes, indeed, it was a cool fire effect but was NOT supposed to be on fire.
(Too add to the fire hazard, that's an extension cord running under the burning candle and over the burning earth.) But amazingly no plants were harmed in the "accident" nor was any damage to anything. Just good clean fun gone awry.