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January 11, 2006



Sounds like an intriguing guy and an intriguing relationship. Sorry it ended up being woundng. I hope your current is more balanced.


hey, i followed rusty's link here
Jonathan Carroll is the only author i ever wrote a letter to.
I was .. 20, i think. so that would have been 1990.
i'd just read 3 or 4 of his books in that year... and i was in Ireland and had just finished the 4th. I wrote him an 11 page letter because.. i had felt that synchronicity. because i was 20 and wanted him to answer questions about myself for me.
I never sent that letter, and a few years later I found it stuck into my Ireland journal. I cringed at almost every thing i had written. oh the self conscious awkardness of it. But was entertained none-the-less.
the four books were, Sleeping in Flame, Bones of the Moon, From the Teeth of Angels and The Land of Laughs. (the first two having been my favorites)

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