It seems that in all parts of my life I am in a QA cycle. You know. Quality Assurance. You work out the bugs before you release the product. You pound on the software to get it to break. You test it. You test the load balancing, server, database, UI. Except that the product in question is not software (although I am actually QAing actual software) - the product in question is my life - ME.
In the past couple years, I've been retrofitting myself. It's been a fast process of upgrading, both hardware, software, connectivity, electricity. Dumping obsolete and archived files. Doing complete search/replace on interpersonal interactions stuck in memory. Finding and leaving gems, hooks and markers. A virtual scavenger hunt - except it's not just left to the realm of imagination. The prizes are in the here and now.
This is a hard position to be in. You must keep the faith and keep pounding, keep your diligence and check to make sure bugs are fixed, regressions don't happen and continue to look for bugs. It's hard for me to hold back and be patient. I want to GET OUT there and DO. But it's not time yet. Patience Heather. Surrender to the QA cycle. Enjoy this quiet, self-testing time. Because you really don't want to release software that can't handle the load. And you'd much rather find and fix it now, while you have the luxury and nice weather of Los Angeles, then in the uncertainly of the unknown.