It's that time of year again, time to get ready for Burning Man. I've got second year fever and really am involved in a plethora of activities. Come see me on Playa, here are the pies I've got my fingers in:
- Tazii camp in Sanctuary Village
I'm working on the kitchen and tent crew this year, in addition to teaching a class called: "How to get your Heart's Desire" in the very cool Tazii Moroccan tent. The class is on Wed evening at 4pm on playa. Come and learn wish fulfillment. I'm also giving I-Ching readings at the I-Ching tree.
- I am the god of hellfire and I bring you .... fire cauldrons. I worked on Charlie Smith's Synapses Project and will be on playa minion and general firefry.
- I'm also working on the supersecret fun Gigsville uberproject. In fact, I'm hope to get bikini welding pictures today.
In addition to decking out the Land Cruiser, making new costumes, and building aforesaid I-Ching tree. I'm super excited and there is a lot going on - not just for the man, but in all facets of life.