Mom's in town for the weekend and I was agnsting about what to do. You see, Mom is from LA, but has lived in the Midwest for almost as many years as I have been alive. My secret agenda is that she's got to love LA as much as I do. To that end, I've been coming up with fun activities. Planned ticketed activities have been a bust with Wicked and King Tut sold out. We'll hit Venice beach tomorrow, hopefully without the weekend crowds, and get a tarot reading from Donna. Maybe a drive in Malibu. There's always the Getty museum.
Yesterday we hung out in Studio City, had lunch at the Good Earth. For some reason, I really dig Studio City. The little houses are so cute. People look down with a scowl at Studio City, but I'm enamored with it. Not only is my kick ass hairdresser there, cool shops, but it's also with the land cruiser lived before I bought her.
After Studio City we headed to Echo Park, to find the house of my birth. This was really fun and special and we even got to go inside.
Awesome, stolen child/now metroblogger. What better Future could you ask for?
Posted by: gloria | July 25, 2005 at 04:46 PM