There's been a lot going on in the world of Heathervescent the past few days and where oh where to start? Ok - with the most inspiring part: Pee-Wee's Big Adventure at Forever Hollywood last night.
How much cooler can you get than watching a movie you loved as a kid projected on a mausoleum wall in a totally cool classic cemetery? Yes, it can get better. Throw in some new friends and a lot of impressive cooking. The picnic spread was awesome. I was impressed. BBQ pork tenderloin, salmon (of all the fishes in the sea, there's none so good as salmon. Salmon, salmon, salmon, salmon, salmon, salmon, salmon.) tri-tip, cheese, bread, melon wrapped prosciutto, wine, Frambic (this seriously impressed me. It's actually Framboise Lambic, but I call it Frambic.) and popcorn and chocolate and home baked cookies. It was totally fun and I had a great time. I forgot how classic Pee-Wees is. I laughed so hard through the movie. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. (Well, since riding Inky's Scrambler.)
Then there are the various late night drives with the top down all through the city, heated seats a blast. There's nothing like the cool air to make a Saturday morning hangover somewhat more dealable. The various Saab story problems seem to have been taken care of. So it's back to the rock star lifestyle. Only need to get the stereo speakers fixed.
There's a lot more posts I've composed in my brain. Experiences I've put into words. The calm relaxation of driving down Santa Monica Blvd, mid-afternoon recovery still in progress, listening to Moby and watching everyone going about their day. I felt happy to be alive and human. I saw the various lives in the people around me. In the cars next to me. Fishes in the sea.
This is nice. A lot of activity, a lot of relaxation. This time, things feel different. I feel like I'm at the starting line of some new part of my life. New, because I have changed. I am different. And even though situations can feel the same, they will not be relived as I have lived in the past. I'm a different heathervescent and the bets have been off for a couple years.