I try to be aware of my habits and behavior that would be potential pet peeves to other people and have identified some pretty good ones.
Pet Peeve of Heather #1: Half-empty cups of coffee left around the house
I love coffee and basically keep a cup around me like a child's blanket. I take it into the shower with me, I keep it in the bathroom, in my closet and on various surfaces in my room. Then there is the garden and various terraces to leave it out on. The cups are generally 1/2 to 1/4 full of left over cold coffee. Because I drink half and half in my coffee a white circle and slight skin forms on top. If left around too long the liquid evaporates. I personally don't have a problem leaving these cups of coffee around as I eventually take them back to the kitchen. But I think this could be a problem for a potential co-habitor. Currently my roommate is not bothered by this.
Pet Peeve of Heather #2: Too much balsamic vinegar
When tossing the salad with oil and vinegar separately (if I am lazy or don't have time to make a full dressing) I throw on the oil first and then the vinegar. I generally always end up putting too much balsamic on it. I don't have a problem with the last dregs of red pepper and greens drowning in balsamic, but certain co-habitators of the past had big issues with this to the point of not allowing me to dress the salad.
Pet Peeve of Heather #3: Forgetting about moderation
Coming home drunk and not behaving like my usual self. *sigh* at least I am somewhat entertained by my antics, but barely. Thank god it doesn't happen that often.
Habit of Heather #1: Bagging my own groceries
It's generally when I'm in Trader Joes, these days the Silverlake Trader Joes. I get in line and as the guy is ringing me up I go to the other side of the counter and start bagging my groceries. I LOVE doing this. It's a challenge to take the groceries as they've been scanned and put them in the bags so the pieces fit together. It's not necessarily the cold items together, but not necessarily not. I just like to have a really nicely packed grocery bag and not have my stuff, which I have lovingly picked out, thrown into the nearest sack.
Since I am the cohabitant in the Future, I might have some business here. Empty coffee cups and vinegar are hardly that bad. Getting drunk and loud instead is a big form of disrespect. Not only to others, cohabitants or friends or anyhow people who care for you (who all count nothing for the drunk person, at the moment, since he/she's in a total self-centered, egotistic state) but to themselves. I've never seen anybody putting up a decent show when they're drunk. Everybody's a tacky, gross version of themselves, and make you feel like you don't want to know that drunk/loud person then. I guess that's part of the reason why I don't drink. I never let myself to get to that point even when I was drinking, but I've seen to many miserable shows put up by friends who, otherwise, I respected. And that's also probably why I'm wary if somebody does not watch their drinking. Red flag, I guess, before finding my self sitting in the auditorium of another tasteless performance. But, hey, if there's any reader of this blog who thinks he/she can prove me wrong and be a "decent" drunk, I'm up to watching that.
Posted by: gloria | May 29, 2005 at 03:36 PM
heh, you said "tossing the salad"
Posted by: sean bonner | May 30, 2005 at 12:11 AM
heh. I've been told that I go heavy on the vinegar too. I like salads (and sushi) better that way.
I like bagging my own groceries-- I think I pack foods sensibly, so that the fragile items don't get squashed in transit.
Gloria: I daresay that I'm a very quiet drunk-- the more I drink, the less I talk. But I haven't gotten drunk in years, and I don't miss it.
Posted by: yoko | May 31, 2005 at 06:48 AM