Suz and I spent the day yesterday tooling through the desert. We sped down the 10s carpool lane with the top down, blonde hair blowing in the wind. Heated seats blasting as we observed the snow capped Mt Baldy and Big Bear sky areas. The wind blew most of the trucks and huge-ass SUVs all over the 4 then 3 then 2 lane freeway. We watched it blow the powder on the top of the mountain and then sweep down the side only to be caught in the electrical windmills. So much for that long haul across the Colorado and Mojave.
We headed north to Yucca Valley. I wanted to do a drive by of Joshua Tree. I've been holding my horses to get out to the desert and it's finally paying off. I'll spend 3 weekends out here in the next month. Enough to get my fix, but still I dream of a big old crusty 4x4 with high clearance to visit a certain special place.
Before entering the park we stopped at my favorite internet cafe in the world - the Beatnik cafe in Joshua Tree. We tanked up on espresso drinks and I attempted to write a blog entry (that apparently did not get posted.)
Then it was the winding road. We stopped and climbed around on some rocks. We looked at the high peaks around the Salton Sea. My worldview started warping as I looked upon valley upon valley of Joshua Trees. They are so strange and wonderful and beautiful. The wildflowers were in full array. Near 29 Palms the desert floor was full of yellows and whites and some purples. I stopped in a wash and found a coyote melon, but decided not to take it, as I have never done anything with previous coyote melons.
Then it was the long winding road to Vegas, baby. I took a wrong turn (only noted until much much later) and we headed straight east out of 29 Palms. It was time for top speed testing. Well, not really. I'm sure the saab didn't hit her top speed, but there is only so fast I will go. The road was empty. The desert silent and gorgeous. We skirted the southern edge of the Old Women Mts and I saw Danby Lake. We found a burned out gas station with cars upon appliances upon a skeedoo smashed and trashed and burned up. We stopped and played desert dress up donning high heels, ribbons, lace and rhinestones. Yes, there will be pictures uploaded.
We jellybeaned big rigs on 95 making good time in the black bubble of my car, the desert lights falling and red and purple yellow highlights on the mountains as we made our way to the city of lights. A split second through Searchlight and a memory. The dream. The desert.
Unlike any other time I have visited Vegas, I have left my disgust of consumption and consumer culture somewhere. Why bother despising the place. I get no value out of that. As we drive down the strip looking for our Hotel's entrance, I am amazed. Yes, in these facades there is enlightenment. It's truly amazing that Las Vegas has become what it is.