I am not a patient person and so far 2005 has been about waiting. "This is a fine pace." I say to myself. An echo from this summer. But it's not. I'm winding up. I'm in overdrive and ready to spring into action. It's 2005 and there are so many things to do.
However, on all tracks, it's waiting. All 5 rollercoaster are climbing to the top. I can only imagine what the ride will be like. I know I should enjoy this calm before the storm or the eye of the storm, but I much prefer the storm itself.
Which has me thinking. What does one do when waiting? The unexpected happens.
The lines were very long at LACMA yesterday. I waited to get a ticket. All around me people were irritated and flitted around talking about how the show was sold out and people were trying to sell tickets or buy tickets from individuals. The guy in front of me said he may have an extra ticket and would I be interested in buying it. I said ok, but had to wait until he got to the ticket window. As I waited I was not anxious - that much. I knew there would be a ticket for me. I knew I could buy it. If there wasn't a ticket I would go do something else. I wasn't worried. I didn't care about waiting in the line. I looked around and up and felt the rain drops spear down from the cracks in the structure above. I didn't even care about the unknowns around my friend meeting me - even if it would happen. None of that was of concern to me. I just waited my turn.
Everything worked out perfectly. I got a ticket, I saw the photographs. Carson met me just as I was pondering the simple and the clutter in Robbert Frick's exhibit.
Since I know I can be that detached with waiting, why is it so hard to wait for these other tracks? It's because of the investments. In each of the other tracks I have something invested in them. Emotional, financially, intellectually. I don't want to walk away from any of those tracks. And yet, I cannot execute... yet. YET.
Wait - wait and see. This really is a fine pace. Just you wait and see.